Saturday, March 3, 2012

What cheats are there for the sims 3 pc game?

i got the sims 3 game last week and it is boring without cool cheats so pleas pleas tell me if you know any cool sims 3 cheats. the sims 3 in on the pc lol thans for you help

klcharltteWhat cheats are there for the sims 3 pc game?
Press Control+Shift+C (+ Windows key if on Vista) to open the command window. Type in:

-familyFunds [family last name] [amount]: Adds any amount of of $ to the game

-kachine: Gives $1,000

-motherlode: Gives $50,000

-jokePlease: Gives you a joke in the command prompt

-unlockOutfits on: Unlocks outfits in Create a Sim mode

-moveobjects on: allows movement of any object to any place

-constrainFloorElevation true: Force terrain adjustments regardless of objects, Sims, and other structures

-quit: quits the gameWhat cheats are there for the sims 3 pc game?
i know one cheat.


A box will pop up at the top/bottom of your screen.

Type in: boolProp testingcheatsenabled true

and that allows you to not take care of them.

If they are hungry or any other thing they need go to their needs and

scroll left or right and let go until it is full or empty.

also it helps with their body/charima and other things. just scroll and fill all the body/charisma and other skills up.

this cheat is for any Sims game/expansion pack game.

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